• BPA exposure may make men sexually less desirable

    Updated: 2011-06-30 11:22:07
    Primary links Login Register Forgot Password About us Contact us Privacy Policy Terms of Service Secondary links My Health Health News Alternative Medicine Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Nutrition Men's Health Sex Relationships Women's Health Industry News Conferences Events Diagnostics Equipments Pharma Recalls Research Development Rulings Blogs Discussions from the Gurus Home BPA exposure may make men sexually less desirable POSTED Thu , 06 30 2011 10:22 POSTED BY Silky Chandvani Last edited by Neelam Goswami on Thu , 06 30 2011 11:37 A food packaging chemical found in dozens of everyday items like plastics bags , receipts , toilet paper , pizza boxes , baby bottles , and plastic lining around canned foods could rob men of their virility and ability to attract females , an intriguing new

  • FDA Panel Rejects Avastin for Breast Cancer

    Updated: 2011-06-30 05:04:56
    Health News FDA Panel Rejects Avastin for Breast Cancer Print E-mail WEDNESDAY , June 29 HealthDay News The blockbuster cancer drug Avastin got soundly rejected late Wednesday as a treatment for metastatic breast cancer by a U.S . health advisory panel that found the medication was not effective and causes dangerous side effects . By unanimous vote , the panelists rejected the drug maker's appeal of a U.S . Food and Drug Administration recommendation last December to revoke Avastin's approval for breast cancer . The FDA recommendation cited the medication's poor performance in follow-up studies and its potential for serious side . effects The drug maker , Genentech , now owned by pharmaceutical giant Roche , was given an unusual two-day hearing this week before the six-member advisory .

  • Gene Map' of Ovarian Cancer Yields New Clues to Treatment

    Updated: 2011-06-30 05:04:55
    Health News Gene Map' of Ovarian Cancer Yields New Clues to Treatment Print E-mail WEDNESDAY , June 29 HealthDay News In the largest such study of any tumor type to date , scientists say they've gleaned an in-depth look at genes that may help drive aggressive ovarian . cancer The achievement , which could lead to a better understanding of this silent killer and ways to treat it , comes as part of The Cancer Genome Atlas TCGA Research Network . That project was launched in 2006 by the U.S . National Cancer Institute and the U.S . National Human Genome Research . Institute We have now a map that is telling the cancer research community where to look and what to work on in the future , explained study lead author Paul T . Spellman , who conducted his research while a staff scientist at the

  • More Evidence CT Scans Better at Detecting Lung Cancer

    Updated: 2011-06-30 05:04:55
    Health News More Evidence CT Scans Better at Detecting Lung Cancer Print E-mail WEDNESDAY , June 29 HealthDay News Routinely screening longtime smokers and former heavy smokers for lung cancer using CT scans can cut the death rate by 20 percent compared to those screened by chest X-ray , according to a major U.S . government . study The National Lung Screening Trial included more than 53,000 current and former heavy smokers aged 55 to 74 who were randomly chosen to undergo either a low-dose helical CT scan or a chest X-ray once a year for three . years Those results , which showed that those who got the CT scans were 20 percent less likely to die than those who received X-rays alone , were initially published in the journal Radiology in November 2010. The new study , published online July

  • Study shows benefits of motivational text messages for smoking cessation

    Updated: 2011-06-29 21:38:00
    Smokers who receive motivational text messages are twice as likely to quit successfully as those who do not, UK scientists have found.

  • Ten minute talk boosts breast cancer awareness

    Updated: 2011-06-29 09:00:00
    Educating women about breast cancer increases their knowledge about the disease should they develop a symptom - and could help increase survival from breast cancer, new research today shows.

  • Certain Cancer Drugs Don't Interfere With Flu Vaccine Study

    Updated: 2011-06-29 05:36:28
    : Health News Certain Cancer Drugs Don't Interfere With Flu Vaccine : Study Print E-mail TUESDAY , June 28 HealthDay News Cancer patients taking the drugs sunitinib and sorafenib respond to the flu vaccine , which suggests that the drugs don't cause as much damage to the immune system as previously believed , researchers . say The small study included 40 volunteers in the Netherlands , including 16 who were treated with sunitinib and six who were treated with sorafenib . Seven patients with metastatic renal cell kidney cancer received neither drug , nor did 11 healthy . people When given a flu vaccine , all of the cancer patients had an antibody response similar to that of the healthy . participants The study appears in the current issue of the journal Clinical Cancer Research The exact

  • Research spend on cancer doubles within a decade and the most fatal cancers see investment

    Updated: 2011-06-29 00:01:00
    Partners of the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) spent more than £500m on cancer research last year, nearly double the amount spent almost ten years ago, according to new figures.

  • Can sunlight cut the risk of breast cancer?

    Updated: 2011-06-28 08:49:24
    Primary links Login Register Forgot Password About us Contact us Privacy Policy Terms of Service Secondary links My Health Health News Alternative Medicine Healthy Skin Kids Parenting Nutrition Men's Health Sex Relationships Women's Health Industry News Conferences Events Diagnostics Equipments Pharma Recalls Research Development Rulings Blogs Discussions from the Gurus Home Can sunlight cut the risk of breast cancer POSTED Tue , 06 28 2011 07:49 POSTED BY Neharika Sabharwal Last edited by Silky Chandvani on Tue , 06 28 2011 10:32 Though the role of vitamin D , the sunshine vitamin , in many chronic diseases is well known , now a new study claims that the nutrient may have anti-cancer properties . too According to Canadian researchers , women who spend just three hours a day in sunlight

  • Jun 27, metastasis-colon cancer

    Updated: 2011-06-27 16:32:14
    I have a patient aged 52yrs,female-chinese,originally suffered colon cancer and now metastasized to lungs,brain,liver and kidneys including parts of spinal

  • Jun 27, colon cancer prognosis without treatment

    Updated: 2011-06-27 16:31:27
    My 85 year old father had a mass removed from his colon. It turned out to be stage 2 cancer. He has decided not to have any further treatment (chemo,

  • Jun 27, B12 VITAMIN

    Updated: 2011-06-27 16:30:55
    is it safe to take vitamin B12 before a colonoscopy

  • Jun 27, Foods I can have 2 days before Colonscopy

    Updated: 2011-06-27 16:30:31
    I am a little confused what things I can have to eat 2 days before my colonscopy and endoscopy. Please can you answere that for m

  • Jun 27, How long is it going to take for emerging the signs of rectal cancer in stage 2?

    Updated: 2011-06-27 16:30:16
    My Mother has been already confirmed for rectal cancer in stage 2. I just want to know how long it has been started to reach to this stage? Thanks.

  • Jun 27, How long is going to take for changing stage 2 to stage 3 colon cancer?

    Updated: 2011-06-27 16:29:20
    Usually, how long is going to take for changing stage 2 to higher stage in rectal cancer?

  • Jun 27, Colon tumor growth

    Updated: 2011-06-27 16:28:54
    do tumors in the colon grow faster as they get bigger in size

  • Jun 27, hard boiled sweets before a colonoscopy

    Updated: 2011-06-27 16:28:29
    Can one suck on hard boiled sweets 2 days before a colonoscop


    Updated: 2011-06-27 16:27:56
    I am 60 years old. I did my first colonoscopy in March 2011. The doctor found a 2.0 cm polyp and he said it's not cancerous because the stalk and the margin

  • Jun 27, lynch syndrome

    Updated: 2011-06-27 16:25:43
    my niece was encouraged to have the lynch test done after finding out her dad had stage 2 colon cancer. she found out today that she is positive. she is

  • Jun 27, Complications from bowel resection of stage 2 colon cancer

    Updated: 2011-06-27 16:24:48
    My mother was diagnosed w/stage 2 colon cancer she under went surgery to remove all of her ascending colon and a resection was done (small intestines to

  • Blocking key cell component could make 'smart drugs' effective for many cancer patients

    Updated: 2011-06-26 18:00:00
    Cancer Research UK scientists at Newcastle University and researchers based at Harvard University have found that blocking a key component of the DNA repair process could extend the use of a new range of 'smart' cancer drugs called PARP inhibitors. The research is published in Nature Medicine today.

  • Some oestrogen-negative breast cancer patients may benefit from prostate cancer therapy

    Updated: 2011-06-24 15:01:00
    Cancer Research UK scientists have discovered why a sub group of oestrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer patients could benefit from prostate cancer treatments which target the cell's androgen receptor - a key driver of prostate cancer, according to research published in The EMBO Journal.

  • Marriage improves odds of surviving colon cancer

    Updated: 2011-06-22 06:45:39
    A newly released study shows that being married boosts survival odds for both men and women with colon cancer at every stage of the disease. Married patients had a 14 percent lower risk of death as per scientists at Penn State's College of Medicine and Brigham Young University. That estimate is based on analysis of 127,753 patient records........

  • Current UK system of Barrett's oesophagus monitoring 'not cost effective'

    Updated: 2011-06-20 15:31:00
    The current system to diagnose and monitor Barrett's oesophagus in the UK may not be as effective as it could be, according to a new study at Queens University Belfast.


    Updated: 2011-06-19 23:56:35
    In 2007 our 24 year old son was loosing weight, tired, & experiencing intermittent stomach cramps. In October the symptoms became acute and he was admitted

  • Jun 19, Lump in Anus found after primary Lump found in anus after primary colon cancer surgery by keyhole and 2nd primary cancer of lung removed by lobectomy.

    Updated: 2011-06-19 23:55:52
    My brother was diagnosed with a tumor on the lung November 2010 after a petscan he also showed signs of something in the bowel area. After a colonscopy

  • Completely new approach to cancer vaccines proves succesful in early studies

    Updated: 2011-06-19 18:00:00
    CANCER RESEARCH UK scientists at the University of Leeds have used a library of DNA to create a vaccine that could be used to treat cancer, according to a study published in Nature Medicine.

  • Deprivation leads to over 2,600 deaths a year

    Updated: 2011-06-17 00:01:00
    MORE than 2,600 deaths in England from some of the most common types of cancer could be avoided each year if all cancer patients had the same chance of survival as the most affluent section of society, a new piece of research suggests.

  • Drop in pre-cancerous cervical changes in Australia after HPV vaccination introduced

    Updated: 2011-06-17 00:00:00
    The number of women with precancerous cervical changes has fallen in Victoria, Australia since the introduction of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programmes, a new study has found.

  • Jun 16, too much medication after colon polyp surgery?

    Updated: 2011-06-16 23:45:43
    should there only be one primary doctor that prescribes medication after polyp surgery removal..


    Updated: 2011-06-16 23:45:02
    I was 34 years old when my doc discovered that I had colon cancer first degree...so I was operated last january 2005 at my age 34...after my operation

  • Jun 16, cream in coffee before colonoscopy?

    Updated: 2011-06-16 23:43:26
    can you have cream in your coffee before a colonoscopy

  • Jun 16, colonoscopy

    Updated: 2011-06-16 23:42:45
    I am 52 years old. My doctor told me last year that I needed to get a colonoscopy. I went and talked to the doctor and he told me all that I needed to

  • Jun 16, Overnight Accommodations near Mass General

    Updated: 2011-06-16 23:41:42
    Are there any accommodations for overnight lodging for family members who have someone as a patient at Mass General

  • Jun 16, colon cancer

    Updated: 2011-06-16 23:41:02
    how long to be out of work for laparoscopic colon cancer, but now it went to my liver

  • Jun 16, Who are the best colon cancer surgeans in the USA or Mexico areas?

    Updated: 2011-06-16 23:40:24
    My father has colon cancer stage 4b and had part of the colon removed. 4 months after finishing chemo a tumor is forming back in the same area of the colon.

  • Jun 16, A Good Colon Doctor Experience is Dependent on Many Things

    Updated: 2011-06-16 23:39:40
    I am 45 years old. Typically, I am not the age that doctors recommend a colon screening, particularly if no symptoms of bleeding or discomfort are reported.

  • Teenage BMI 'associated with future risk of cancer death in men'

    Updated: 2011-06-16 18:50:00
    Men who are overweight at age 18 may be more likely to die from cancer in later life than those who are a healthy weight in early adulthood, UK and US scientists have found.

  • Royal College of Surgeons report calls for greater investment in surgical research

    Updated: 2011-06-16 15:47:00
    Patient care could be jeopardised in the future unless the government takes steps to support surgical research, the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) has warned.

  • The Drama of Medicine: All the Ward’s a Stage: 2nd Annual Conference Student AMH 11th July 2011, UK

    Updated: 2011-06-16 10:14:51
    The Student Association for Medical Humanities is holding their second annual conference, so if you’re a student and interested in art, philosophy and literature, and how the arts and humanities relate to medicine, then this could be for you. The conference will explore all aspects of medical humanities and will give students the opportunity to present their [...]

  • Elderly breast cancer patients less likely to get surgery

    Updated: 2011-06-16 09:28:00
    Older women in the UK are less likely to have surgery for breast cancer than younger ones. And this difference can't be fully explained by age-related ill health from other diseases, according to new data presented today at the National Cancer Intelligence Network (NCIN) conference (Thursday).

  • Up to half of deaths in men from prostate cancer are directly due to the disease

    Updated: 2011-06-15 00:02:00
    Up to half the number of men with prostate cancer who die do so as a direct result of the disease, rather than from other causes according to a new study presented at the National Cancer Intelligence Network conference in London.

  • Older women sidestep embarassing cervical smear tests

    Updated: 2011-06-14 00:01:00
    Older women are too embarrassed to go for smear tests, and fear pain, while younger women are too busy, according to a Cancer Research UK study, published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology today.

  • Scientists reveal how collagen 'scaffolding' drives tumour growth

    Updated: 2011-06-13 17:00:00
    Cancer Research UK scientists have revealed how the dense tissue that surrounds tumours helps drive tumour growth and development, according to research published in the journal Cancer Cell.

  • Tobacco companies using 'misleading' data to distort impact of health regulations

    Updated: 2011-06-13 16:06:00
    Tobacco companies are misleading shareholders in an effort to distort the impact of public health regulations on revenues and block global health policy, a new report by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) has found.

  • Natural Cures for Cancer – Know the Best Side Effect Free Tips for Treating Cancer

    Updated: 2011-06-13 01:32:16
    Cancer is a difficult disease to cure, but is not a deadly one anymore. Cancer can be treated and now they can be treated through various natural therapies. Natural cures can treat cancer more effectively and without side effects as opposed to medicinal and surgical cures or radiation which leave side effects. There are several [...]

  • Cancer Research Technology and Kurma Biofund to develop new antibody platform for translational research

    Updated: 2011-06-13 00:01:00
    Cancer Research Technology, the commercial arm of Cancer Research UK, and Paris-based venture capital firm, Kurma Life Sciences Partners (Kurma), have launched a spin-out company, BliNK Therapeutics Ltd, to generate monoclonal antibodies using a novel platform.

  • Italian scientists reveal genetic root of rare form of leukaemia

    Updated: 2011-06-11 14:00:00
    Using cutting-edge DNA sequencing, Italian scientists have identified the underlying gene fault in a rare form of blood cancer called hairy-cell leukaemia (HCL), according to a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

  • Three-year cervical screening is effective when HPV test and conventional examination are used together

    Updated: 2011-06-09 15:59:00
    Women who receive normal cervical screening results can safely attend screening just once every three years if both the human papillomavirus (HPV) test and conventional cytology test are used, a large new study has confirmed.

  • Poorer women less likely to survive breast cancer

    Updated: 2011-06-09 00:01:00
    Poorer women from deprived areas are less likely to survive breast cancer as they are diagnosed at a later stage which means the best available treatments won't be as effective according to a new report out today (Thursday) by the National Cancer Intelligence Network (NCIN)

  • Manufacturers agree to lower cost of HPV vaccines in developing countries

    Updated: 2011-06-08 21:11:00
    A new commitment to lower the price of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for developing countries could help to prevent thousands of cases of cervical cancer in these nations.

  • Drug may reduce risk of developing breast cancer in high-risk women

    Updated: 2011-06-08 21:09:00
    A drug called exemestane (brand name Aromasin) significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer in healthy postmenopausal women who are at higher than average risk of developing the disease, according to research presented at a major US conference.

  • National bowel cancer audit shows continued progress

    Updated: 2011-06-08 16:36:00
    Bowel cancer care continues to improve in England and Wales, according to the latest annual report from the national audit of bowel cancer.

  • US trials show continued promise for two new skin cancer treatments

    Updated: 2011-06-08 15:29:00
    Two clinical trials presented at the largest annual cancer conference have raised hopes for new drugs designed to treat malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer.

  • Annual ovarian cancer screening fails to prevent deaths in US study

    Updated: 2011-06-07 01:40:00
    Annual screening for ovarian cancer with a blood test combined with an ultrasound scan did not reduce the risk of dying from the disease, but did increase the likelihood of invasive medical procedures, a US study has found.

  • Scientists identify genetic markers for common side-effect of taxane chemotherapy

    Updated: 2011-06-06 15:37:00
    US scientists have identified genetic markers associated with a common side-effect of taxane-based chemotherapy called peripheral neuropathy.

  • Gene fault could predict ovarian cancer drug success

    Updated: 2011-06-06 15:06:00
    Faults in a gene commonly inactivated in many different types of cancer could be used to predict which drug combination ovarian cancer patients are most likely to benefit from, according to results presented at the American Society for Clinical Oncology today.

  • Team at Cambridge MRC Cancer Cell Unit wins innovation prize

    Updated: 2011-06-06 12:39:00
    A team at the Medical Research Council (MRC) Cancer Cell Unit in Cambridge have won one of the Department of Health's first Innovation Challenge Prizes for their work on a new test for Barrett's oesophagus.

  • Cancer Research UK-funded scientists find way to eliminate leukaemia stem cells

    Updated: 2011-06-06 12:37:00
    Scientists at King's College London are working on a way of eliminating leukaemic 'stem cells' to prevent leukaemia from returning after a patient has received treatment.

  • Jun 4, colon surgery

    Updated: 2011-06-04 14:55:54
    After surgery, is it normal to have a lot of gas trapped in the colon for a few weeks

  • Jun 4, colonoscopy

    Updated: 2011-06-04 14:55:08
    I've noticed a lot of bloating from even eating small portions at meals. I am 55 years of age, and have daily bowel movements (often twice a day) which


    Updated: 2011-06-04 14:54:28

  • Jun 4, Huge colon cancer scare, then great medical work and absolutely no signs

    Updated: 2011-06-04 14:46:49
    In January of this year I went for my annual OB check. At the time I was having difficulty with my hemmorhoids, which I have had for almost 21 years. My

  • Middle-aged survivors of childhood cancer at greater risk of certain cancers

    Updated: 2011-06-04 00:00:00
    CANCER RESEARCH UK scientists have found that survivors of childhood cancers are four times more likely than the general population to develop a new cancer. The results are published online today in JAMA.

  • What is an endoscopy What is lactulose for Endoscopy Questions Ask a Pharmacist on Everyday Health E

    Updated: 2011-06-03 14:04:01
    Home Health A-Z Drugs A-Z Symptom Checker Food and Fitness Community Health Tools My Everyday Health Health Questions Endoscopy What is an endoscopy What is lactulose for What is an endoscopy What is lactulose for Q : What is an endoscopy What is lactulose for A : An endoscopy is a procedure of the upper gastrointestinal tract focusing largely on the esophagus , stomach , and first part of the small intestine duodenum When doctor's order an endoscopy , they are primarily looking for ulcers , inflammation , tumors , infection , or bleeding which are not all visible on an x-ray . There are a number of reasons why an endoscopy might need to be performed . To prepare for an endoscopy you cannot eat or drink anything for 6 to 8 hours before the test . Do not take antacids or Carafate on the day

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